Washing the Thobes

Alif Styles thobes are made specifically from a fabric called "ikaf" which is also known as a cotton blend. We will send info with the thobes on how to wash them. Typically hand-washing with a simple detergent is a safe option but if not then, Prepare the garment for cleaning by turning it inside out with great care. Use cold water and guide the thobe through a gentle cycle to maintain its timeless charm. Refrain from using bleach and strong detergents; instead, choose mild cleansers for a delicate touch. Lastly, let the garment dry naturally. 

If by any chance you see the linen getting pulled in and the thobe is still wet make sure to pull a bit on the "sfifa" or linen for it to stay beautiful for the longer run inshallah! After cleaning, softly press the towel between fresh towels to eliminate excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the cloth, as this may cause stretching or distortion. Reshape the towel to its original dimensions by laying it flat on a clean, dry towel. Allow it to air dry away from heat sources and direct sunlight to prevent fading.